Jet-Set Willy II Room Format
Version 0.9.1: 10 December 2005
by John Elliott
Disclaimer: I do not guarantee this information to be correct. This is my best guess at what is going on inside JSW II, after wandering around inside it with a disassembler.
New for v0.9.1: More notes on CPC versions.
New for v0.9: Some notes on the room format used by CPC6128 JSW, upon which JSW2 is based.
New for v0.8: Some more details on lifts.
New for v0.7: Added the title screen and music formats.
New for v0.6: Added various game engine limits.
New for v0.5: Corrected various guardian values.
New for v0.4: More corrections from Andrew Cadley.
New for v0.3: Andrew Cadley has supplied details of the T4, CG0 and CG1 bytes.
1. Terminology
Unless otherwise specified, this document refers to the Spectrum version of JSW2. Notes of differences in the CPC implementations of JSW1 and JSW2 (which both appear to use a JSW2ish engine) are prefaced [CPC].
The room layouts in Jet Set Willy I were composed of four elements:
- Air
- Willy can walk or jump through it, but not stand on it.
- Water
- As Air, but Willy can also stand on it.
- Earth
- Willy can stand on it, but not walk or jump through it.
- Fire
- Willy loses a life if he touches this.
I have retained this system in describing JSW2, although ramps, conveyors and items are also "elements" now.
2.Snapshot encryption
All information has been deduced from a snapshot of JSW2 taken while the title screen was showing and before a game had been started. JSW2 is encrypted, so .TAP files and snapshots taken before the title screen appeared will not match this pattern.
[CPC] The formats used by CPC versions come from snapshots taken in a CPC emulator in CPC464 mode. I have not made more than a cursory attempt to reconcile them with the disc files (JET*.BIN) comprising CPC JSW.
3. Room entries
JSW2 contains a table of 16-bit pointers to room entries:
For JSW editor authors: This table is at BAFDh in JSW2. But you are encouraged not to treat its address as permanent. It is between two blocks of compressed data, so it may be useful to move it around as the number of rooms in the game increases or decreased. Instead, find the address of this table from the word at 7E69h.
Similarly, JSW2 has 134 entries in this table. But it's preferable to calculate the number of rooms as (ROOM0 - TABLE) / 2, since there's no game-specific reason why there shouldn't be more or fewer entries.
[CPC] In the CPC version, this table is at 38B0h (JSW1) / 5C00h (JSW2).
Each room entry is formed:
+0 DW RDATA ;Address of room shape (Room shapes: Section 4) ;In JSW2, the room shapes are stored separately from the rooms, ;with their own compression system. +2 DB HBITS ;High bits ;These are combined with the next 8 bytes to form 9-bit ;values. Bit 7 of this byte gives Bit 8 of U0; ; Bit 6 of this byte gives Bit 8 of U1; ; ... ; Bit 0 of this byte gives Bit 8 of U7. +3 DB U0 ;Cell pattern for Water (Cell patterns: Section 5) +4 DB U1 ;Cell pattern for Earth +5 DB U2 ;Cell pattern for Fire +6 DB U3 ;Cell pattern for "/" ramps +7 DB U4 ;Cell pattern for conveyor going left +8 DB U5 ;Cell pattern for item +9 DB U6 ;Cell pattern for "\" ramp +A DB U7 ;Cell pattern for conveyor going right ;[CPC] The CPC version has four additional bytes here. ;Presumably they control the palette registers, since different ;rooms appear in different colours. +B DB xname ;Number of spaces to print before the room name ;(to position it centrally). This also contains ;the border colour in bits 2-0. +C DB name ;Variable-length ASCII string, with bit 7 set on ;the last character. Bytes 1-30 are expanded to ;common words using a dictionary at 0FA81h, in the ;same format as the keyword table in the Spectrum ;ROM. Note that because bit 7 is set on the last character, ;the last character is not in the range 1-30 and is not ;expanded. ; [CPC] The CPC versions do not appear to compress ; room names. DB left ;Exit left } DB up ;Exit up } Room nos. DB right ;Exit right } DB down ;Exit down } DB T4 ;Bit 7: Set if there is a rope in the room ;Bit 6: Set to animate conveyor belt. Conveyors can only be ; animated if there is a single conveyor in the room. ; This is because the animation code assumes all ; conveyor cells in the room are contiguous, and draws ; one long animated strip starting at the first ; conveyor cell in the room. ; ;Bit 5: If conveyor belts are animated: ; 0: Only the top row of the conveyor ; animates. ; 1: The top and third rows animate. ;Bit 4: If set of T4 is set, byte T5 is present; ; otherwise byte T5 is assumed to be 0. ;Bits 0-3: Number of guardian records ; that follow. Numbers greater than 8 are ; treated as 0. ( DB T5 ;Bits 0-5: Special-case code ID. ) ;If bit 7 of this byte is set, arrows are present. DS 7 ;Guardian record 0 DS 7 ;Guardian record 1 ... DS 7 ;Guardian record {n} ( DB AC ;(if arrows present) No. of arrow records that follow DS 2 ;Arrow record 1 DS 2 ;Arrow record 2 ... DS 2 ) ;Arrow record {n} ; ;End of room ;
JSW2 allows a total of eight guardians or arrows in each room.
4. Room shape
The room shape is stored as a stream of bytes, each describing one or more character cells. The decompression code continues expanding until 512 cells been described. Cells are decompressed as horizontal sequences, starting at the top left corner.
Each byte is either:
- Less than 90h:
- Bits 0-3 give (number of repetitions - 1)
- Bits 7-4 give the cell type (0-8):
- 0
- Air
- 1
- Water
- 2
- Earth
- 3
- Fire
- 4
- Ramp going northeast ("/")
- 5
- Conveyor going left
- 6
- Item. There can be at most 16 items per room. JSW2 doesn't have a global item table; it uses a table of 16-bit words for each room. Set bits in a word correspond to untaken items.
- 7
- Ramp going northwest ("\")
- 8
- Conveyor going right
- 90h or more: Cell type is 0. Bits 7-0 give (number of repetitions + 7Fh).
Special arrangements exist for Room 108, the Cartography Room. Water cells in this room map to rooms in other parts of the game; a table at 0FBE8h gives the mapping (it starts 74h, 75h, 76h; so the first water cell depends on room 74h, the second on room 75h, and the third on room 76h).
[CPC] In CPC JSW1, this table is at 4CE5h. In CPC JSW2, this table is at 0A700h but does not appear to be populated in the snapshot I'm working from.
5. 8x8 Cells
Cells have a 9-bit number (see above). To find the address of a cell, multiply this number by 9 and add 8C78h ([CPC]: 0B60h for JSW1, 4C00h for JSW2). The cell is then formed: one attribute byte, and 8 bitmap bytes.
Bit 7 of the attribute byte means 'inverse' rather than 'flash'. The game startup code inverts any such cells and clears bit 7. All cells are drawn in bright colours, so bit 6 (bright) may also have an alternative meaning.
[CPC] The attribute byte behaves differently:
- Bits 0-1: Foreground colour 0-3
- Bits 2-3: Background colour 0-3
- Bits 4-7: Do not seem to be used
6. Guardians
A compressed guardian record is 7 bytes (CG0-CG6):
CG0: } Limits of movement. When you first enter a room a counter is CG1: } initialized with the value of CG0, this is decremented on each pass through the game loop. Each time the counter reaches 0 it is reloaded from CG1, the guardian's direction is reversed, and the process begins again. CG2: Low 8 bits of sprite number CG3: Primary movement step (8-bit signed integer). Doubling the movement step makes a sprite go twice as far as well as twice as fast, while reversing its direction swaps the limits of travel over. On horizontal sprites, this also affects the animation step. CG4: Bit 7 is bit 8 of sprite number. Bits 6-0 are initial X coordinate. CG5: Bit 7 is set if the guardian is unidirectional (cf: Megaron). Bits 6-0 are initial Y coordinate. CG6: Bits 1-0 is animation mask. This is: 0: None 1: Frames 1,2 } 2: Frames 1,3 } (taking account of reversal, see bit 6) 3: Frames 1,2,3,4 } Bits 3-2 give colour. This is 0: White 1: Yellow 2: Cyan 3: Green (A 4-byte table at 70A9h gives these colours. For some reason, unidirectional guardians are always drawn in white). Bits 4-5 give secondary movement step. For horizontal/vertical guardians, this is 0. For a diagonal guardian, if bit 7 is set, this is the vertical step; otherwise, it's the horizontal step. Bit 6 is set to swap between frames 0/1/2/3 and 4/5/6/7 when the guardian reverses. Bit 7 is set to move horizontally, clear to move vertically. Combining it with bits 4 and 5 we have: Bit 7 Bit 5 Bit 4 ================================================== 0 0 0 Vertical 0 0 1 45 degrees from horizontal 0 1 0 22 degrees from horizontal 1 1 1 18 degrees from horizontal 1 0 0 Horizontal 1 0 1 18 degrees from horizontal 1 1 0 22 degrees from horizontal 1 1 1 45 degrees from horizontal
A compressed arrow record is 2 bytes:
DB AB0 ;Arrow X position DB AB1 ;Bit 7 set if going left, else right. ;Bits 6-0 are Y positionJSW II decompresses arrows and guardians to 17-byte guardian records (UG00-UG10). Here is how it does it:
Byte Meaning How set ==================================================================== UG00 Arrow Address of arrow sprite - EB01h or EB21h. UG01 address if (AB1 & 80h) then EB01h, else EB21h. UG02 counter (initialised to CG0) UG03 counter reset value, set to CG1 UG04 X step If arrow and bit 7 of AB1 is 1: 0FFh If arrow and bit 7 of AB1 is 0: 1 If bit 7 of CG6 is 0: = Bits 4 and 5 of CG6 (2ndary step) If bit 7 of CG6 is 1: = CG3 (primary step) UG05 X If arrow, AB0 else CG4, bits 6-0 (0-7Fh) UG06 Y step If arrow, set to 0 If bit 7 of CG6 is 0: = CG3 (primary step) If bit 7 of CG6 is 1: = Bits 4 and 5 of CG6 (2ndary step) UG07 Y If arrow: (AB1 & 7Fh) else CG5, bits 6-0 (0-7Fh) UG08 Styles If arrow: 88h else (CG6 & 0F3h) UG09 Sprite Address of sprite page. Given by ((CG2 | 2*(CG4 & 80h)) UG0A address * 16) + 0D4A1h UG0B ? Used for incremental calculation of sprite position UG0C ? Used for incremental calculation of sprite position UG0D ? Used for incremental calculation of sprite position UG0E Unidirectional If arrow: 0 If bit 7 of CG5 is 1: = 0FFh. If bit 7 of CG5 is 0: = 0. If a guardian is unidirectional, and either UG04 (X step) is negative, or UG06 (Y step) is strictly positive, then the guardian isn't drawn. UG0F ? Character cell X-position of guardian UG10 Attribute (purpose of top bit unknown) If arrow: 87h If bit 7 of CG5 is 0: loaded from 70A9 + ((CG6 >> 2)& 3) This array is {87h, C6h, C5h, C4h} If bit 7 of CG5 is 1: 80h
7. Special-case code.
JSW2 has a table of special-case code at 8361h ([CPC]: 6BC1h for JSW1, 9BDAh for JSW2), which has two words for each ID. It starts at ID 1:
dw sc1a ;For ID=1 dw sc1b dw sc2a ;For ID=2 dw sc2b ... ;etc.
The two routines appear to be an initialisation function and a function called once every time the game loop is run.
A routine address can be 0 if only one of the two routines is being supplied.
Special case code IDs are:
- Central Cavern: If Willy has won, jump on the spot repeatedly.
- Lift 1: Draw lifts using the 1st pair of lift definitions.
- Lift 2: Draw lifts using the 2nd pair of lift definitions.
- Lift 3: Draw lifts using the 3rd pair of lift definitions.
- Lift 4: Draw lifts using the 4th pair of lift definitions.
- The Trouble With Tribbles: Moving floor segments.
- Is not used in Spectrum JSW2, and appears to have no effect. [CPC] Doesn't seem to be used in CPC JSW either; curious.
- Rocket Room. When Willy reaches particular coordinates, the central section of the room takes off and Willy is transported to the room above.
- The Bathroom. Draws the toilet. If Willy hits it and the game is won, then move him to room 133 (Central Cavern). Also, make Willy run to the right if the game is won.
- Master Bedroom. Removes Maria if 150 or more items have been collected. If Willy is standing on a right-moving conveyor (ie, the bed) then start him running to the right.
- Beam Me Up/Down Spotty: Enables teleporters to be used in this room.
- Belfry: Draws ropes above vertical guardians.
- Eggoids: Makes diagonal guardians reverse when they hit the top or bottom of the screen.
- The Yacht: Deals with the Yacht sailing away.
- Trip Switch: Handles what happens when Willy touches the Trip Switch. The left conveyor graphic is used for the "off" switch, and the right conveyor for the "on" switch.
- Rigor Mortis: If all items have been taken from room 75, sets the first two guardians in the room to have X steps of -1 and +1, and counter values of 28, respectively.
- Crypt Switch. Adjusts the X step and counter of the first guardian in the room.
- Foot Room. Puts a foot at the top of the room, which drops when all items have been taken from room 103.
- Lift 5: Draw lifts using the 6th pair of lift definitions.
- First Landing: Make 'fire' cells flash. Also, make Willy run to the right if the game is won.
- Lift 6: Draw lifts using the 7th pair of lift definitions. Also makes fire cells flash.
- Deserted Isle: Handle all the complicated behaviours of that complicated room. Allows teleporters to be used.
- Macaroni Ted: Make Willy run to the right if the game is won.
- Dumb Waiter: Draw lifts using the 5th pair of lift definitions. Also, make Willy run to the right if the game is won.
- Highway to Hell: Moving floor segments. [CPC] CPC JSW does not use this entry; it appears to have no effect.
- Is not used in Spectrum JSW2, and appears to have no effect.
[CPC] In JSW1 for the CPC, most of these are set to zero since they refer to rooms in the JSW2 extended areas. Those that remain keep the same numbers.
This system is used to implement lifts. There is a table of lift definitions (in compressed guardian format) at 0FB30h ([CPC JSW2]: 7A28h). Lifts go around in pairs, like policemen; so the first two lifts will be for one room, the next two for the next room, and so on.
Each lift uses a guardian slot; so any room with lifts can only have up to six guardians.
8. Teleporters
There are four teleporters in the game; you will find their definitions at 7435h ([CPC JSW2]: 9698h). A teleporter definition is 6 bytes long:
DB from ;Room to teleport from DB x ;X location within the room DB y ;Y location within the room DB to ;Room to teleport to, plus 1 DB x ;New X location DB y ;New Y location
Teleporters only work if the special-case number for the room is 11 or 22.
9. The title screen
The title screen tune is from 0FC69h to 0FCCCh, terminated with 0FFh. It is in the same format as the JSW1 title screen music.
The title screen itself lives between 0FCCDh and 0FE72h, terminated with 0FFh. Each byte corresponds to one character cell, with the first one at x=18, y=2; the next is drawn at x=19, y=2, and so on. A byte has the following meaning:
- If bit 7 is set: Draw slope. Bit 6 is 0 for a / slope, 1 for a \ slope.
- If bit 7 is not set: Leave cell blank.
- Always: Bits 2-0 give ink, bits 5-3 give paper. Bright is always on. Flash is always off, with one exception: If ink=6 and paper=6, you instead get flashing magenta on yellow. This attribute can be found at 0FECDh.
The four 'slope' graphics live from 0FE73h to 0FE92h. Each is an 8x8 graphic in UDG format. The first two are for a / slope, and the second two for a \ slope.
10. The in-game tune
The in-game tune lives at 0FAF0h and is exactly 64 bytes long. It's in the same format as the Manic Miner / JSW1 in-game music.

Thanks also to: Andrew Cadley.